A Wedding in the Forrest
Store owner, Michelle McCauley, worked for over a year to create and design this magical setting for her son's wedding in the forrest. She drew inspiration from Summer Cottage Antiques and collaborated with several of her dealers to create some of the vignettes showcased below.
Vintage Chandelier
Taken directly from Summer Cottage Antiques, the recreation of this piece was a crowd favorite, among many others! Paired with the vintage lettering and greenery, this board made for an enchanting backdrop to several photos.
Michelle is no stranger to reworking banisters. Although some might see a chippy old piece of wood, Michelle sees the base for a beautiful vase setting, ideal for her son and his bride.
aNtIQUE Place setting
These gold-finished plates were the inspiration for much of the bridal table setting.
Vintage Doors finished with glass windows served as the table seating assignments.
Ski Lift Turned
“You can’t tame the spirit of someone who has magic in their veins.”